Courses on building construction and materials taught at the Ecole polytechnique (Paris), 1812-1815.


Courses on building construction and materials taught at the Ecole polytechnique (Paris), 1812-1815.

The collection comprises two manuscript courses presumably taught by Du Haijs and Hachette. One includes 6 lectures about military fortifications, with small sketches in the text, and two separate plates of technical drawings. The first lecture has two versions. The second course includes 10 lectures about construction materials. The last two lectures contain practical indications about the presentation of a project, the accompanying sketches, and the estimate to be submitted for ministerial approval. Each lecture has a sequential number on the cover. The first course is dated Jan. 1812.

3 items (ca. 300 p.)


SNAC Resource ID: 8202777

Getty Research Institute

Related Entities

There are 3 Entities related to this resource.

Ecole polytechnique (France) (corporateBody)

Hachette, fl. 1810-1815. (person)

Du Haijs, fl. 1810-1815. (person)